Decoloniality appears through body, memory and sound at colonial sites in Munich

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Yolanda Gutiérrez concept of decolonizing the colonial historical sites by bringing body, history, memory and sound arise an awareness of looking at the past through a more organically way, by walking, by witnessing the dance interventions, while listening to the audio-tracks related to this part of history, suddenly, even It’s an immersive type of walk, kind of isolate, because of the headphones, the connection to the city and society around becomes part of the experience and the feeling of togetherness follows. In this seventh project Yolanda Gutiérrez wanted to add the quotes of Diana Taylor from her book "Archive and the repertoire performing cultural memory in the Americas" to have a sight related to the colonialism in Las Americas.

Diana Taylor is a Mexican-born, distinguished university professor of Performance Studies and Spanish at New York University. Which you will hear from the voice of Zainab X. The main narrators voice of this project is William Holley. And the audio artist is Cornelia Böhm. Voices of the participant dancers are also included: David Valencia and Jana Baldovino.

The global dis:connect podcast is hosted by the Käte Hamburger Research Centre global dis:connect at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München and funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Episode idea and research: Yolanda Gutiérrez Written by: Yolanda Gutiérrez with the voices of David Valencia, Jana Balbovino, Zainab X and William Holley Podcast idea: Roland Wenzlhuemer & David Grillenberger (global dis:connect) Podcast concept: Roland Wenzlhuemer (global dis:connect) & Daniel Fürg (48forward) Production: The 48forward Studios

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